Thursday, June 9, 2011

Quick Thai Chicken and Rice Noodles (or how to keep cool on a blazing hot day)

If you haven't heard, not sure how that's possible, it's pretty steamy on the East Coast. Yesterday I refused to turn on my stove or oven. I was in luck! I had anticipated this happening and had made rice noodles and had grilled chicken tenderloin the night before! Sometimes I actually do get it right, amazing.  I had an easy, delicious, and healthy meal on the table in minutes. Even if you haven't planned ahead this is really quick and won't turn your kitchen into an inferno. Rice noodles cook up really fast. About 3 minutes. And if you have a grill you can make the chicken in minutes as well. All I did was season the tenderloin with seasoned salt and pepper and grilled it quickly on both sides. I prefer to eat this cold but it's equally as good warm. 

Here's what I had on hand. Rice Noodles, Chicken, Thai Basil (regular would be fine too), Cucumbers, Cilantro, and Limes. I didn't have carrots or I would've shredded some of those up too. 

For a dressing or sauce I just used a simple store bought Thai Peanut sauce. This is from Stop & Shop. The best part is people can pick and choose what they want to add. The Little One likes noodles, chicken and cucumbers with just a little rice vinegar and sesame oil. The Big One likes noodles, chicken, cucumbers, lime juice and peanut sauce on the side. I mix mine all together and top with the peanut sauce. It's delicious and quick. Now go soak your feet in a blue, plastic kiddy pool. You'll feel better. 

Happy Sweaty Thursday!


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